Simon Bin

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter


Insti­tut für Ange­wandte Infor­matik (InfAI) e. V.


Seman­tic Web, Knowl­edge Graphs, Web Ontol­ogy Language



  • Base Plat­form for Knowl­edge Graphs with Free Soft­wareIn: Sebas­t­ian Tramp, Ricar­do Usbeck, Natanael Arndt, Julia Holze and Sören Auer (eds.): Pro­ceed­ings of the Inter­na­tion­al Work­shop on Linked Data-dri­ven Resilience Research 2023, {CEUR} Work­shop Pro­ceed­ings. vol. 3401. Her­sonis­sos, GreeceSimon Bin, Claus Stadler, Nor­man Radtke, Kurt Jung­hanns, Sabine Grün­der-Fahrer and Michael Martin
  • {KGCW}2023 Chal­lenge Report {RDF}{P}rocessing{T}oolkit / SansaIn: 4th Inter­na­tion­al Work­shop on Knowl­edge Graph Con­struc­tion @ ESWC 2023, CEUR work­shop pro­ceed­ings. Her­sonis­sos, GreeceSimon Bin, Claus Stadler and Lorenz Bühmann
  • Seman­tifi­ca­tion of Geospa­tial Infor­ma­tion for Enriched Knowl­edge Rep­re­sen­ta­tion in Con­text of Cri­sis Infor­mat­icsIn: Natanael Arndt, Sabine Grün­der-Fahrer, Julia Holze, Michael Mar­tin and Sebas­t­ian Tramp (eds.): Pro­ceed­ings of the Inter­na­tion­al Work­shop on Data-dri­ven Resilience Research 2022, {CEUR} Work­shop Pro­ceed­ings. vol. 3376. Leipzig, Ger­manyClaus Stadler, Simon Bin, Lorenz Büh­mann, Nor­man Radtke, Kurt Jung­hanns, Sabine Grün­der-Fahrer and Michael Martin
  • Spa­tial con­cept learn­ing and infer­ence on geospa­tial poly­gon dataIn: Knowl. Based Syst. vol. 241Patrick West­phal, Tobias Gruben­mann, Diego Col­larana, Simon Bin, Lorenz Büh­mann and Jens Lehmann
  • Auto­mat­ic Sub­ject Index­ing with Knowl­edge GraphsIn: LASCAR Work­shop at the Extend­ed Seman­tic Web Con­fer­ence (ESWC)Lisa Wenige, Claus Stadler, Simon Bin, Lorenz Büh­mann, Kurt Jung­hanns and Michael Martin
  • Schema-agnos­tic SPAR­QL-dri­ven faceted search bench­mark gen­er­a­tionIn: Jour­nal of Web Seman­tics, p. 100614Claus Stadler, Simon Bin, Lisa Wenige, Lorenz Büh­mann and Jens Lehmann
  • DL-Learn­er – Struc­tured Machine Learn­ing on Seman­tic Web DataIn: The Web Conf (WWW) 2018 Jour­nals TrackLorenz Buehmann, Jens Lehmann, Patrick West­phal and Simon Bin
  • SML-Bench – A Bench­mark­ing Frame­work for Struc­tured Machine Learn­ingIn: Seman­tic Web Jour­nalPatrick West­phal, Lorenz Büh­mann, Simon Bin, Haji­ra Jabeen and Jens Lehmann
  • The Tale of Sansa SparkIn: Pro­ceed­ings of 16th Inter­na­tion­al Seman­tic Web Con­fer­ence, Poster \& DemosIvan Ermilov, Jens Lehmann, Gez­im Sejdiu, Lorenz Büh­mann, Patrick West­phal, Claus Stadler, Simon Bin, Nilesh Chakraborty, Hen­ning Pet­z­ka, et al.
  • Dis­trib­uted Seman­tic Ana­lyt­ics using the SANSA StackIn: Pro­ceed­ings of 16th Inter­na­tion­al Seman­tic Web Con­fer­ence — Resources Track (ISWC’2017) : Springer, pp. 147–155Jens Lehmann, Gez­im Sejdiu, Lorenz Büh­mann, Patrick West­phal, Claus Stadler, Ivan Ermilov, Simon Bin, Nilesh Chakraborty, Muham­mad Saleem, et al.
  • Imple­ment­ing Scal­able Struc­tured Machine Learn­ing for Big Data in the SAKE ProjectIn: IEEE Big Data Con­fer­ence 2017Simon Bin, Patrick West­phal, Jens Lehmann and Axel-Cyrille Ngo­mo Ngonga
  • Towards {SPARQL}-Based Induc­tion for Large-Scale {RDF} Data setsIn: Gal A. Kamin­ka, Maria Fox, Pao­lo Bou­quet, Eyke H{ü}llermeier, Vir­ginia Dignum, Frank Dignum and Frank van Harme­len (eds.): ECAI 2016 — Pro­ceed­ings of the 22nd Euro­pean Con­fer­ence on Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence, Fron­tiers in Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence and Appli­ca­tions. vol. 285 : IOS Press — ISBN 978–1‑61499–672‑9, pp. 1551–1552Simon Bin, Lorenz B{ü}hmann, Jens Lehmann and Axel-Cyrille {Ngonga Ngomo}
  • Visu­al Analy­sis of Dis­crete Par­ti­cle Swarm Opti­miza­tion Using Fit­ness Land­scapesIn: Hen­drik Richter and Andries Engel­brecht (eds.): Recent Advances in the The­o­ry and Appli­ca­tion of Fit­ness Land­scapes, Emer­gence, Com­plex­i­ty and Com­pu­ta­tion. vol. 6 : Springer Berlin Hei­del­berg — ISBN 978–3‑642–41887‑7, pp. 487–507Sebas­t­ian Volke, Simon Bin, Dirk Zeckz­er, Mar­tin Mid­den­dorf and Gerik Scheuermann
  • Com­par­ing the Opti­miza­tion Behav­iour of Heuris­tics with Topol­o­gy Based Visu­al­iza­tionIn: Adri­an-Horia Dediu, Manuel Lozano and Car­los Mart{\’\i}n‑Vide (eds.): The­o­ry and Prac­tice of Nat­ur­al Com­put­ing, Lec­ture Notes in Com­put­er Sci­ence. vol. 8890 : Springer Inter­na­tion­al Pub­lish­ing — ISBN 978–3‑319–13748‑3, pp. 47–58Simon Bin, Sebas­t­ian Volke, Gerik Scheuer­mann and Mar­tin Middendorf