

  • Assess­ing the Evo­lu­tion of {LLM} Capa­bil­i­ties for Knowl­edge Graph Engi­neer­ing in 2023In: The Seman­tic Web: {ESWC} 2024 Satel­lite Events, Lec­ture Notes in Com­put­er Sci­ence. vol. 15344 : Springer Nature Switzer­land — ISBN 9783031789526, pp. 51–60Johannes Frey, Lars-Peter Mey­er, Felix Brei, Sabine Grün­der-Fahrer and Michael Martin


  • {FAIR} Data Pub­lish­ing with Apache MavenIn: Ley­la Jael Cas­tro, Diet­rich Reb­holz-Schuh­mann, Dani­lo Dessì and Son­ja Schimm­ler (eds.): Pro­ceed­ings of the Fourth Work­shop on Meta­da­ta and Research (objects) Man­age­ment for Linked Open Sci­ence — DaMa­LOS 2024 co-locat­ed with Extend­ed Seman­tic Web Con­fer­ence (ESWC). Her­sonis­sos, Greece : PUBLISSOClaus Stadler, Lorenz Büh­mann and Simon Bin
  • {KGCW2024} Chal­lenge Report: {RDF}{P}rocessing{T}oolkitIn: David Chaves{-}Fraga, Anas­ta­sia Dimou, Ana Iglesias{-}Molina, Umut­can Ser­les and Dylan Van Ass­che (eds.): Pro­ceed­ings of the 5th Inter­na­tion­al Work­shop on Knowl­edge Graph Con­struc­tion co-locat­ed with 21th Extend­ed Seman­tic Web Con­fer­ence {(ESWC} 2024), {CEUR} Work­shop Pro­ceed­ings. vol. 3718. Her­sonis­sos, GreeceClaus Stadler and Simon Bin
  • Get­ting prac­ti­cal with {G}eo{SPARQL} and {A}pache {J}enaIn: Timo Hom­burg, Beyza Yaman, Mohamed Ahmed Sherif and Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngo­mo (eds.): Pro­ceed­ings of the 6th Inter­na­tion­al Work­shop on Geospa­tial Linked Data 2024 co-locat­ed with 21st Extend­ed Seman­tic Web Con­fer­ence (ESWC 2024), {CEUR} Work­shop Pro­ceed­ings. vol. 3743. Her­sonis­sos, GreeceSimon Bin, Claus Stadler, Lorenz B{ü}hmann and Michael Martin
  • {LLM}-assisted Knowl­edge Graph Engi­neer­ing: Exper­i­ments with {Chat­G­PT}In: Chris­t­ian Zinke-Wehlmann and Julia Friedrich (eds.): First Work­ing Con­fer­ence on Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence Devel­op­ment for a Resilient and Sus­tain­able Tomor­row ({AIT­o­mor­row}) 2023, Infor­matik aktuell. Wies­baden : Springer Fachme­di­en Wies­baden — ISBN 978–3‑658–43705‑3, pp. 103–115Lars-Peter Mey­er, Claus Stadler, Johannes Frey, Nor­man Radtke, Kurt Jung­hanns, Roy Meiss­ner, Gor­dian Dzi­wis, Kir­ill Bulert, Michael Martin
  • Lever­ag­ing small lan­guage mod­els for {Text2SPARQL} tasks to improve the resilience of {AI} assis­tanceIn: Julia Holze, Sebas­t­ian Tramp, Michael Mar­tin, Sören Auer, Ricar­do Usbeck and Nenad Krdzavac (eds.): Pro­ceed­ings of the Third Inter­na­tion­al Work­shop on Linked Data-dri­ven Resilience Research 2024 ({D2R2}’24), colo­cat­ed with {ESWC} 2024, {CEUR} Work­shop Pro­ceed­ings. vol. 3707Felix Brei, Johannes Frey and Lars-Peter Meyer
  • Dynam­ic Rep­re­sen­ta­tions of Glob­al Crises: A Tem­po­ral Knowl­edge Graph For Con­flicts, Trade and Val­ue Net­worksIn: The Third Learn­ing on Graphs Con­fer­enceJulia Gastinger, Timo Sztyler, Nils Stein­ert, Sabine Grün­der-Fahrer, Michael Mar­tin, Anett Schuelke and Hein­er Stuckenschmidt
  • Towards a Region­al Pub­lic Dash­board for Cri­sis andResilience Man­age­mentIn: Julia Holze, Sebas­t­ian Tramp, Michael Mar­tin, Sören Auer, Ricar­do Usbeck and Nenad Krdzavac (eds.): Pro­ceed­ings of the Third Inter­na­tion­al Work­shop on Linked Data-dri­ven Resilience Research 2024 (D2R2’24), colo­cat­ed with ESWC 2024, CEUR-WS. vol. 3707Fatih Kılıç, Till Grabo, Julia Lücke, Nor­man Radtke, Chris­t­ian Danne, Sabine Grün­der-Fahrer and Michael Martin
  • Assess­ing {SPARQL} capa­bil­i­ties of Large Lan­guage Mod­elsIn: Edli­ra Vakaj, Sima Iran­manesh, Rizou Sta­marti­na, Nan­dana Mihin­duku­la­sooriya, San­ju Tiwari, Fer­nan­do Ortiz-Rodríguez and Ryan Mcgranaghan (eds.): Pro­ceed­ings of the 3rd Inter­na­tion­al Work­shop on Nat­ur­al Lan­guage Pro­cess­ing for Knowl­edge Graph Cre­ation co-locat­ed with 20th Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Seman­tic Sys­tems ({SEMAN­TiCS} 2024), {CEUR} Work­shop Pro­ceed­ings. vol. 3874, pp. 35–53Lars-Peter Mey­er, Johannes Frey, Felix Brei and Natanael Arndt
  • Con­cepts for a Seman­ti­cal­ly Acces­si­ble Mate­ri­als Data Space: Overview over Spe­cif­ic Imple­men­ta­tions in Mate­ri­als Sci­enceIn: Advanced Engi­neer­ing Mate­ri­als, WileyBernd Bay­er­lein, Jörg Wait­elo­nis, Henk Birk­holz, Matthias Jung, Markus Schilling, Philipp v. Hartrott, Mar­i­an Bruns, Jörg Schaarschmidt, Kris­t­ian Beilke, et al.


  • Devel­op­ing a Scal­able Bench­mark for Assess­ing Large Lan­guage Mod­els in Knowl­edge Graph Engi­neer­ingIn: Neha Keshan, Sebas­t­ian Neu­maier, Anna Lisa Gen­tile and Sahar Vah­dati (eds.): Pro­ceed­ings of Poster Track of {SEMAN­TiCS} 2023, {CEUR} Work­shop Pro­ceed­ings. vol. 3526, pp. 16–20Lars-Peter Mey­er, Johannes Frey, Kurt Jung­hanns, Felix Brei, Kir­ill Bulert, Sabine Grün­der-Fahrer and Michael Martin
  • Scal­ing RML and SPAR­QL-based Knowl­edge Graph Con­struc­tion with Apache SparkIn: 4th Inter­na­tion­al Work­shop on Knowl­edge Graph Con­struc­tion @ ESWC 2023, CEUR work­shop pro­ceed­ings. vol. 3471. Her­sonis­sos, GreeceClaus Stadler, Lorenz Büh­mann, Lars-Peter Mey­er and Michael Martin
  • Bench­mark­ing the Abil­i­ties of Large Lan­guage Mod­els for {RDF} Knowl­edge Graph Cre­ation and Com­pre­hen­sion: How Well Do {LLMs} Speak Tur­tle?In: Pro­ceed­ings of Work­shop Deep Learn­ing for Knowl­edge Graphs ({DL4KG}) @ {ISWC23}, {CEUR} Work­shop Pro­ceed­ings. vol. 3559Johannes Frey, Lars-Peter Mey­er, Natanael Arndt, Felix Brei and Kir­ill Bulert
  • Base Plat­form for Knowl­edge Graphs with Free Soft­wareIn: Sebas­t­ian Tramp, Ricar­do Usbeck, Natanael Arndt, Julia Holze and Sören Auer (eds.): Pro­ceed­ings of the Inter­na­tion­al Work­shop on Linked Data-dri­ven Resilience Research 2023, {CEUR} Work­shop Pro­ceed­ings. vol. 3401. Her­sonis­sos, GreeceSimon Bin, Claus Stadler, Nor­man Radtke, Kurt Jung­hanns, Sabine Grün­der-Fahrer and Michael Martin
  • {KGCW}2023 Chal­lenge Report {RDF}{P}rocessing{T}oolkit / SansaIn: 4th Inter­na­tion­al Work­shop on Knowl­edge Graph Con­struc­tion @ ESWC 2023, CEUR work­shop pro­ceed­ings. Her­sonis­sos, GreeceSimon Bin, Claus Stadler and Lorenz Bühmann


  • {LSQ} 2.0: A linked dataset of {SPARQL} query logsIn: Philippe Cud­ré-Mau­roux (ed.) Seman­tic Web, IOS Press, pp. 1–23Claus Stadler, Muham­mad Saleem, Qais­er Mehmood, Car­los Buil-Aran­da, Michel Dumon­tier, Aidan Hogan and Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo
  • Seman­tifi­ca­tion of Geospa­tial Infor­ma­tion for Enriched Knowl­edge Rep­re­sen­ta­tion in Con­text of Cri­sis Infor­mat­icsIn: Natanael Arndt, Sabine Grün­der-Fahrer, Julia Holze, Michael Mar­tin and Sebas­t­ian Tramp (eds.): Pro­ceed­ings of the Inter­na­tion­al Work­shop on Data-dri­ven Resilience Research 2022, {CEUR} Work­shop Pro­ceed­ings. vol. 3376. Leipzig, Ger­manyClaus Stadler, Simon Bin, Lorenz Büh­mann, Nor­man Radtke, Kurt Jung­hanns, Sabine Grün­der-Fahrer and Michael Martin
  • Ontoflow: A User-Friend­ly Ontol­ogy Devel­op­ment Work­flowIn: Pro­ceed­ings of Inter­na­tion­al Work­shop on Seman­tic Indus­tri­al Infor­ma­tion Mod­el­ling (SemI­IM) @ ESWC22, CEUR Work­shop Pro­ceed­ings. vol. 3355Gor­dian Dzi­wis, Lisa Wenige, Lars-Peter Mey­er and Michael Martin
  • {LSQ} Frame­work: The {LSQ} Frame­work for {SPARQL} Query Log Pro­cess­ingIn: 6th Work­shop on Stor­ing, Query­ing and Bench­mark­ing Knowl­edge Graphs @ ISWC 2022, {CEUR} Work­shop Pro­ceed­ings. vol. 3279Claus Stadler, Muham­mad Saleem and Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo


  • A Visu­al SHACL Shapes Edi­tor Based On OntoPadIn: Joint Pro­ceed­ings of the Seman­tics co-locat­ed events: Poster\&Demo track and Work­shop on Ontol­ogy-Dri­ven Con­cep­tu­al Mod­el­ling of Dig­i­tal Twins co-locat­ed with Seman­tics 2021, Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Seman­tic Sys­tems Pro­ceed­ings. Ams­ter­dam, Nether­landsNatanael Arndt, André Valdes­til­has, Gus­ta­vo Pub­lio, Andrea Cim­mi­no, Kon­rad Höffn­er and Thomas Riechert
  • Open Data and the Sta­tus Quo — A Fine-Grained Eval­u­a­tion Frame­work for Open Data Qual­i­ty and an Analy­sis of Open Data por­tals in Ger­manyIn: Lisa Wenige, Claus Stadler, Michael Mar­tin, Richard Figu­ra, Robert Sauter and Christo­pher W. Frank
  • Towards the next gen­er­a­tion of the Linked­Ge­o­Da­ta project using vir­tu­al knowl­edge graphsIn: Jour­nal of Web Seman­tics vol. 71, p. 100662Lin­fang Ding, Guo­hui Xiao, Albulen Pano, Claus Stadler and Diego Calvanese


  • Doc­tor­al Sym­po­sium on Research on Online Data­bas­es inHis­to­ry (RODBH 2019)In: Pro­ceed­ings of the Doc­tor­al Sym­po­sium on Research on Online Data­bas­es in His­to­ry co-locat­ed with 3rd Data for His­to­ry Work­shop. vol. 2532. Leipzig, Ger­many : CEURThomas Riechert, Francesco Beretta, George Brusek­er, Edgard Marx, Jen­nifer Blanke, Vin­cent Alamercery, Tra­cy Hoff­mann and Natanael Arndt
  • ONTOLOGY-DRIVEN SERVICE INTEGRATION INTO WEB APPLICATIONS: A DECLARATIVE APPROACHIn: Pedro Isaías (ed.): IADIS Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence WWW/Internet 2019 : ICWI, pp. 150–154Andreas Both; Didi­er Cher­ix; Michael Martin
  • Smarte Dat­en im Knowl­edge Graph, die Grund­lage ein­er zukun­ftssicheren Bere­it­stel­lung Offen­er Dat­enRichard Figu­ra, Alexan­der Will­ner and Michael Martin
  • Jekyll RDF: Tem­plate-Based Linked Data Pub­li­ca­tion with Min­i­mized Effort and Max­i­mum Scal­a­bil­i­tyIn: 19th Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Web Engi­neer­ing (ICWE 2019), ICWE 2019. Dae­jeon, KoreaNatanael Arndt, Sebas­t­ian Zänker, Gez­im Sejdiu and Sebas­t­ian Tramp
  • Con­flict Detec­tion, Avoid­ance, and Res­o­lu­tion in a Non-Lin­ear RDF Ver­sion Con­trol Sys­tem: The Quit Edi­tor Inter­face Con­cur­ren­cy Con­trolIn: Com­pan­ion Pro­ceed­ings of the 2019 World Wide Web Con­fer­ence (WWW ’19 Com­pan­ion). San Fran­cis­co, CA, USANatanael Arndt and Nor­man Radtke
  • Decen­tral­ized Col­lab­o­ra­tive Knowl­edge Man­age­ment using Git (Extend­ed Abstract)In: Com­pan­ion Pro­ceed­ings of the 2019 World Wide Web Con­fer­ence (WWW ’19 Com­pan­ion). San Fran­cis­co, CA, USANatanael Arndt and Michael Martin
  • Ein Plat­tform-Ökosys­tem für Pre­dic­tive Main­te­nance zur Erhöhung der Effizienz und Effek­tiv­ität der Instand­hal­tung in kleinen und mit­tleren Unternehmen (KMU)In: Die hybride Fab­rik — men­schliche und kün­stliche Intel­li­genz im Ein­klang: Fach­ta­gung Ber­net­zt pla­nen und pro­duzieren VPP2019, Wis­senschaftliche Schriften­rei­he des Insti­tutes für Betrieb­swis­senschaften und Fab­riksys­teme. Chem­nitz, Ger­manyMatthias Nagel, Natanael Arndt, Fabi­an Förster, Matthes Nagel and Ralph Riedel


  • A Decen­tral­ized and Remote Con­trolled Webi­nar Approach, Uti­liz­ing Client-side Capa­bil­i­ties: To Increase Par­tic­i­pant Lim­its and Reduce Oper­at­ing CostsIn: Pro­ceed­ings of the 14th Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Web Infor­ma­tion Sys­tems and Tech­nolo­gies — Vol­ume 1: WEBIST. Seville, Spain : SciTePress — ISBN 978–989-758–324‑7, pp. 153–160Roy Meiss­ner, Kurt Jung­hanns and Michael Martin
  • Decen­tral­ized Col­lab­o­ra­tive Knowl­edge Man­age­ment using GitIn: Jour­nal of Web Seman­ticsNatanael Arndt, Patrick Nau­mann, Nor­man Radtke, Michael Mar­tin and Edgard Marx
  • Apply­ing Linked Data Par­a­digms for Rea­gion­al Weath­er Data Reanaly­sisIn: Inter­na­tion­al Sym­po­sium on Region­al Reanaly­sis (ISSR) 2018 (ed.) Richard Figu­ra, Alexan­der Will­ner and Michael Martin


  • Triple Scor­ing Using a Hybrid Fact Val­i­da­tion Approach — The Cat­sear Triple Scor­er at WSDM Cup 2017In: WSDM Cup, co-locat­ed with the 10th ACM Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Web Search and Data Min­ing : ACMEdgard Marx, Tom­ma­so Soru and Andr{é} Valdestilhas
  • Explor­ing the Evo­lu­tion and Prove­nance of Git Ver­sioned RDF DataIn: Javier D. Fer­nán­dez, Jere­my Debat­tista and Jür­gen Umbrich (eds.): 3rd Work­shop on Man­ag­ing the Evo­lu­tion and Preser­va­tion of the Data Web (MEP­DaW) co-locat­ed with 14th Euro­pean Seman­tic Web Con­fer­ence (ESWC 2017). Por­toroz, Slove­niaNatanael Arndt, Patrick Nau­mann and Edgard Marx
  • Decen­tral­ized Evo­lu­tion and Con­sol­i­da­tion of RDF GraphsIn: 17th Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Web Engi­neer­ing (ICWE 2017), ICWE 2017. Rome, ItalyNatanael Arndt and Michael Martin
  • LEDSPLaY17: Work­shop on Linked Enter­prise Data Ser­vices, Prove­nance, Link­ing and Qual­i­tYIn: INFORMATIK 2017, Lec­ture Notes in Infor­mat­ics (LNI). Chem­nitz, Ger­many : Gesellschaft für Infor­matik, p. 1863Natanael Arndt, André Langer, Michael Mar­tin and Sebas­t­ian Tramp
  • {D}iscover {B}arrier-free {A}ccessible {L}ocations with the {L}ocation {N}avigatorIn: Max­i­m­il­ian Eibl and Mar­tin Gaed­ke (eds.): INFORMATIK 2017, Lec­ture Notes in Infor­mat­ics (LNI), Lec­ture Notes in Infor­mat­ics (LNI). Chem­nitz, Ger­many : Gesellschaft für Infor­matik — ISBN 978–3‑88579–669‑5, pp. 1923–1931Kon­rad Abicht, Sime­on Ack­er­mann and Michael Martin
  • A map­ping approach for con­fig­u­ra­tion man­age­ment tools to close the gap between two worlds and to regain trustIn: Max­i­m­il­ian Eibl and Mar­tin Gaed­ke (eds.): INFORMATIK 2017, Lec­ture Notes in Infor­mat­ics (LNI), Lec­ture Notes in Infor­mat­ics (LNI). Chem­nitz, Ger­many : Gesellschaft für Infor­matik, Bonn — ISBN 978–3‑88579–669‑5, pp. 1865–1872Roy Meiss­ner and Mar­cus Kastner
  • {S}PARQL {U}pdate queries over {R2RML} mapped data sourcesIn: Max­i­m­il­ian Eibl and Mar­tin Gaed­ke (eds.): INFORMATIK 2017, Lec­ture Notes in Infor­mat­ics (LNI), Lec­ture Notes in Infor­mat­ics (LNI). Chem­nitz, Ger­many : Gesellschaft für Infor­matik — ISBN 978–3‑88579–669‑5, pp. 1891–1901Joerg Unbe­hauen and Michael Martin
  • A Method for Dis­trib­uted and Col­lab­o­ra­tive Cura­tion of RDF Datasets Uti­liz­ing the Quit StackIn: Max­i­m­il­ian Eibl and Mar­tin Gaed­ke (eds.): INFORMATIK 2017, Lec­ture Notes in Infor­mat­ics (LNI), Lec­ture Notes in Infor­mat­ics (LNI). Chem­nitz, Ger­many : Gesellschaft für Infor­matik — ISBN 978–3‑88579–669‑5, pp. 1873–1881Natanael Arndt and Nor­man Radtke
  • {C}ube{V}iz.js: {A} {L}ightweight {F}ramework for {D}iscovering and {V}isualizing {RDF} {D}ata {C}ubesIn: Max­i­m­il­ian Eibl and Mar­tin Gaed­ke (eds.): INFORMATIK 2017, Lec­ture Notes in Infor­mat­ics (LNI), Lec­ture Notes in Infor­mat­ics (LNI). Chem­nitz, Ger­many : Gesellschaft für Infor­matik — ISBN 978–3‑88579–669‑5, pp. 1915–1921Kon­rad Abicht, Georges Alkhouri, Natanael Arndt, Roy Meiss­ner and Michael Martin


  • {SCOR­Voc}: {V}ocabulary-based {I}nformation {I}ntegration and {E}xchange in {S}upply {N}etworksIn: Pro­ceed­ings of the 10th Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Seman­tic Com­put­ing; Lagu­na Hills, Cal­i­for­nia; Feb­ru­ary 3–5 2016Niklas Petersen, Irlan Grangel-Gon­za­lez, Gokhan Coskun, S{ö}ren Auer, Mar­vin Frommhold, Sebas­t­ian Tramp and Maxime LeFrancois
  • Towards Fed­er­at­ed, Seman­tics-based Sup­ply Chain Ana­lyt­icsIn: Pro­ceed­ings of the 19th Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Busi­ness Infor­ma­tion Sys­tems 6–8 July 2016, Leipzig, Ger­manyNiklas Petersen, Christoph Lange, S{ö}ren Auer, Mar­vin Frommhold and Sebas­t­ian Tramp
  • Struc­tured Feed­back: A Dis­trib­uted Pro­to­col for Feed­back and Patch­es on the Web of DataIn: Pro­ceed­ings of the Work­shop on Linked Data on the Web co-locat­ed with the 25th Inter­na­tion­al World Wide Web Con­fer­ence (WWW 2016), CEUR Work­shop Pro­ceed­ings. vol. 1593. Mon­tre­al, Cana­daNatanael Arndt, Kurt Jung­hanns, Roy Meiss­ner, Philipp Frischmuth, Nor­man Radtke, Mar­vin Frommhold and Michael Martin
  • Pub­lish and {S}ubscribe for {RDF} in {E}nterprise {V}alue {N}etworksIn: Pro­ceed­ings of the Work­shop on Linked Data on the Web co-locat­ed with the 25th Inter­na­tion­al World Wide Web Con­fer­ence (WWW 2016)Mar­vin Frommhold, Natanael Arndt, Sebas­t­ian Tramp and Niklas Petersen
  • Cre­at­ing Linked Data Mor­pho­log­i­cal Lan­guage Resources with MMoOn — The Hebrew Mor­pheme Inven­to­ryIn: The 10th edi­tion of the Lan­guage Resources and Eval­u­a­tion Con­fer­ence, 23–28 May 2016, Slove­nia, Portoro{\v{z}}Bet­ti­na Klimek, Natanael Arndt, Sebas­t­ian Krause and Tim­o­theus Arndt
  • Adding Seman­tics to Mod­el-Dri­ven Soft­ware Devel­op­ment: A Prac­ti­cal Expe­ri­ence ReportIn: Joint Pro­ceed­ings of the Posters and Demos Track of the 12th Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Seman­tic Sys­tems — SEMANTiCS2016 and the 1st Inter­na­tion­al Work­shop on Seman­tic Change \& Evolv­ing Seman­tics (SuCCESS’16), CEUR Work­shop Pro­ceed­ings. Leipzig, Ger­manyAndreas Nareike, J{ö}rg Unbe­hauen and Johannes Schmidt
  • Enforc­ing scal­able autho­riza­tion on SPARQL queriesIn: Joint Pro­ceed­ings of the Posters and Demos Track of the 12th Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Seman­tic Sys­tems — SEMANTiCS2016 and the 1st Inter­na­tion­al Work­shop on Seman­tic Change \& Evolv­ing Seman­tics (SuCCESS’16), CEUR Work­shop Pro­ceed­ings. Leipzig, Ger­manyJ{ö}rg Unbe­hauen, Mar­vin Frommhold and Michael Martin
  • Using DevOps Prin­ci­ples to Con­tin­u­ous­ly Mon­i­tor RDF Data Qual­i­tyIn: 12th Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Seman­tic Sys­tems Pro­ceed­ings (SEMAN­TiCS 2016), CEUR Work­shop Pro­ceed­ings. Leipzig, Ger­manyRoy Meiss­ner and Kurt Junghanns
  • OntoWi­ki 1.0: 10 Years of Devel­op­ment — What’s New in OntoWi­kiIn: Joint Pro­ceed­ings of the Posters and Demos Track of the 12th Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Seman­tic Sys­tems — SEMANTiCS2016 and the 1st Inter­na­tion­al Work­shop on Seman­tic Change \& Evolv­ing Seman­tics (SuCCESS’16), CEUR Work­shop Pro­ceed­ings. Leipzig, Ger­manyPhilipp Frischmuth, Natanael Arndt and Michael Martin
  • Towards {V}ersioning of {A}rbitrary {RDF} {D}ataIn: 12th Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Seman­tic Sys­tems Pro­ceed­ings (SEMAN­TiCS 2016), SEMAN­TiCS ’16. Leipzig, Ger­manyMar­vin Frommhold, Rub{{é}}n Navar­ro Piris, Natanael Arndt, Sebas­t­ian Tramp, Niklas Petersen and Michael Martin
  • Dis­trib­uted Col­lab­o­ra­tion on RDF Datasets Using Git: Towards the Quit StoreIn: 12th Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Seman­tic Sys­tems Pro­ceed­ings (SEMAN­TiCS 2016), SEMAN­TiCS ’16. Leipzig, Ger­many — ISBN 978–1‑4503–4752‑5Natanael Arndt, Nor­man Radtke and Michael Martin
  • Quit Diff: Cal­cu­lat­ing the Delta Between RDF Datasets under Ver­sion Con­trolIn: 12th Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Seman­tic Sys­tems Pro­ceed­ings (SEMAN­TiCS 2016), SEMAN­TiCS ’16. Leipzig, Ger­many — ISBN 978–1‑4503–4752‑5/16/09Natanael Arndt and Nor­man Radtke
  • Open­Re­search: Col­lab­o­ra­tive Man­age­ment of Schol­ar­ly Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Meta­da­taIn: Eva Blomqvist, Fabio Vitali and Pao­lo Cian­car­i­ni (eds.): Pro­ceed­ings of 20th Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Knowl­edge Engi­neer­ing and Knowl­edge Man­age­ment (EKAW’2016), Lec­ture Notes in Com­put­er Sci­ence. Hei­del­berg : Springer Ver­lag — ISBN 978–3‑319–49003‑8Sahar Vah­dati, Natanael Arndt, S{ö}ren Auer and Christoph Lange
  • Exe­cut­ing SPARQL queries over Mapped Doc­u­ment Stores with SparqlMap‑MIn: 12th Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Seman­tic Sys­tems Pro­ceed­ings (SEMAN­TiCS 2016), SEMAN­TiCS ’16. Leipzig, Ger­manyJ{ö}rg Unbe­hauen and Michael Martin


  • Cube­Viz — Explo­ration and Visu­al­iza­tion of Sta­tis­ti­cal Linked DataIn: Pro­ceed­ings of the 24th Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on World Wide Web, WWW 2015Michael Mar­tin, Kon­rad Abicht, Claus Stadler, S{ö}ren Auer, Axel‑C. Ngonga Ngo­mo and Tom­ma­so Soru
  • {OntoWi­ki — An Author­ing, Pub­li­ca­tion and Visu­al­iza­tion Inter­face for the Data Web}In: Seman­tic Web Jour­nal vol. 6, Nr. 3, pp. 215–240Philipp Frischmuth, Michael Mar­tin, Sebas­t­ian Tramp, Thomas Riechert and S{ö}ren Auer
  • Dis­trib­uted {L}inked {D}ata {B}usiness {C}ommunication {N}etworks: The {LUCID} {E}ndpointIn: The Seman­tic Web: {ESWC} 2015 Satel­lite Events — {ESWC} 2015 Satel­lite Events Portoro{\v{z}}, Slove­nia, May 31 — June 4, 2015, Revised Select­ed Papers, pp. 154–158Sebas­t­ian Tramp, Rub{{é}}n Navar­ro Piris, Tim­o­fey Ermilov, Niklas Petersen, Mar­vin Frommhold and S{{ö}}ren Auer
  • Knowl­edge Base Ship­ping to the Linked Open Data CloudIn: Sebas­t­ian Hell­mann, Josiane Xavier Par­reira and Axel Polleres (eds.): SEMANTICS ’15: Pro­ceed­ings of the 11th Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Seman­tic Sys­tems, Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Seman­tic Sys­tems Pro­ceed­ings. Vien­na, Aus­tria : ACM — ISBN 978–1‑4503–3462‑4, pp. 73–80Natanael Arndt, Markus Ack­er­mann, Mar­tin Br{ü}mmer and Thomas Riechert
  • RDF Edit­ing on the WebIn: SEMANTICS 2015, SEM ’15. Vien­na, Aus­tria : ACMClaus Stadler, Natanael Arndt, Michael Mar­tin and Jens Lehmann
  • DBpe­di­aSameAs: An approach to tack­le het­ero­gene­ity in DBpe­dia iden­ti­fiersIn: SEMAN­TiCS 2015Andre Valdes­til­has, Natanael Arndt and Dim­itris Kontokostas
  • Improv­ing the Inter­op­er­abil­i­ty of Open Data Por­talsIn: Share PSIDiet­mar Gat­twinkel, Kon­rad Abicht, Rene Piet­zsch and Michael Martin


  • {Explor­ing the Web of Spa­tial Data with Facete}In: Com­pan­ion pro­ceed­ings of 23rd Inter­na­tion­al World Wide Web Con­fer­ence (WWW), pp. 175–178Claus Stadler, Michael Mar­tin and S{ö}ren Auer
  • An Adap­tive Graph­i­cal User Inter­face Based on Atten­tion Lev­el and Diam­e­ter of Eye PupilIn: Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Adap­tive Sci­ence and Tech­nol­o­gy (ICAST 2014). vol. 6 : IEEE, p. 4Fran­cis­co Isidro Mas­se­to} {Andre Valdestilhas
  • Linked Open Data — Cre­at­ing Knowl­edge Out of Inter­linked Data — Results of the {LOD2} Project, Lec­ture Notes in Com­put­er Sci­ence. vol. 8661 : Springer — ISBN 978–3‑319–09845-6S{{ö}}ren Auer, Vol­ha Bryl and Sebas­t­ian Tramp (eds.)
  • A spi­der diver­si­ty mod­el for the Cau­ca­sus Ecore­gionIn: Jour­nal of Insect Con­ser­va­tion vol. 18, Nr. 3, pp. 407–416Geor­gi Cha­l­adze, Ste­fan Otto and Sebas­t­ian Tramp
  • An adap­tive graph­i­cal user inter­face based on atten­tion lev­el and diam­e­ter of eye pupilIn: Adap­tive Sci­ence \& Tech­nol­o­gy (ICAST), 2014 IEEE 6th Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on : IEEE, pp. 1–4Andre Valdes­til­has, Fran­cis­co Isidro Mas­se­to and Air­ton Ferreira
  • User-Cen­tric and per­son­al­ized access to mobile mul­ti­me­dia sys­tems based on a mul­ti­me­dia mid­dle­wareIn: Com­pu­ta­tion­al Sci­ence and Its Appli­ca­tions (ICCSA), 2014 14th Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on : IEEE, pp. 260–263Andre Valdes­til­has, Har­ald Kosch and Paulo Marcotti
  • Sup­port­ing the Linked Data Life Cycle Using an Inte­grat­ed Tool StackIn: S{ö}ren Auer, Vol­ha Bryl and Sebas­t­ian Tramp (eds.): Linked Open Data — Cre­at­ing Knowl­edge Out of Inter­linked Data, Lec­ture Notes in Com­put­er Sci­ence : Springer Inter­na­tion­al Pub­lish­ing — ISBN 978–3‑319–09845‑6, pp. 108–129Bert Van Nuffe­len, Valenti­na Janev, Michael Mar­tin, Vuk Mijovic and Sebas­t­ian Tramp
  • con­TEXT — Light­weight Text Ana­lyt­ics using Linked DataIn: Extend­ed Seman­tic Web Con­fer­ence (ESWC 2014)Ali Khalili, S{ö}ren Auer and Axel-Cyrille {Ngonga Ngomo}
  • {E}ntwicklung laufzeitop­ti­miert­er seman­tis­ch­er {W}eb-{A}pplikationen: {K}onzepte, {L}{ö}sungsans{ä}tze und {A}nwendungsf{ä}lle. Leipzig, Ger­many, Uni­ver­si­ty of Leipzig, PhD dis­ser­ta­tion. — \url{http://d‑}Michael Mar­tin
  • {AMSL}: Man­ag­ing Elec­tron­ic Resources for Libraries Based on Seman­tic WebIn: Erhard Pl{ö}dereder, Lars Grunske, Eric Schnei­der and Dominik Ull (eds.): Pro­ceed­ings of the INFORMATIK 2014: Big Data — Komplexit{ä}t meis­tern, GI-Edition—Lecture Notes in Infor­mat­ics. vol. P‑232. Stuttgart, Ger­many : Gesellschaft für Infor­matik e.V.. — {\copy­right} 2014 Gesellschaft f{ü}r Infor­matik — ISBN 978–3‑88579–626‑8, pp. 1017–1026Andreas Nareike, Natanael Arndt, Nor­man Radtke, Sebas­t­ian Nuck, Lean­der Seige and Thomas Riechert
  • {Xodx}: A node for the Dis­trib­uted Seman­tic Social Net­workIn: Matthew Hor­ridge, Mar­co Rospocher and Jac­co van Ossen­bruggen (eds.): Pro­ceed­ings of the ISWC 2014 Posters \& Demon­stra­tions Track, CEUR Work­shop Pro­ceed­ings. vol. Vol-1272. Riva del Gar­da, Italy, pp. 465–468Natanael Arndt and Sebas­t­ian Tramp
  • {AMSL}: Cre­at­ing a Linked Data Infra­struc­ture for Man­ag­ing Elec­tron­ic Resources in LibrariesIn: Matthew Hor­ridge, Mar­co Rospocher and Jac­co van Ossen­bruggen (eds.): Pro­ceed­ings of the ISWC 2014 Posters \& Demon­stra­tions Track, CEUR Work­shop Pro­ceed­ings. vol. Vol-1272. Riva del Gar­da, Italy, pp. 309–312Natanael Arndt, Sebas­t­ian Nuck, Andreas Nareike, Nor­man Radtke, Lean­der Seige and Thomas Riechert
  • Facil­i­tat­ing the Explo­ration and Visu­al­iza­tion of Linked DataIn: S{ö}ren Auer, Vol­ha Bryl and Sebas­t­ian Tramp (eds.): Linked Open Data—Creating Knowl­edge Out of Inter­linked Data, Lec­ture Notes in Com­put­er Sci­ence : Springer Inter­na­tion­al Pub­lish­ing — ISBN 978–3‑319–09845‑6, pp. 90–107Chris­t­ian Mad­er, Michael Mar­tin and Claus Stadler


  • Increas­ing the Finan­cial Trans­paren­cy of Euro­pean Com­mis­sion Project Fund­ingIn: Seman­tic Web Jour­nal vol. Spe­cial Call for Linked Dataset descrip­tions, Nr. 2, pp. 157–164Michael Mar­tin, Claus Stadler, Philipp Frischmuth and Jens Lehmann
  • Towards an {E}fficient {RDF} {D}ataset {S}licingIn: Inter­na­tion­al Jour­nal of Seman­tic Com­put­ing vol. 07, Nr. 04, pp. 455–477Edgard Marx, Tom­ma­so Soru, Saedeeh Shekar­pour, Sören Auer, Axel-Cyrille {Ngonga Ngo­mo} and Karin Breitman
  • Using Semi­otic Pro­files to Design Graph­i­cal User Inter­faces for Social Media Data Spaces on Mobile Phone ScreensIn: Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Com­pu­ta­tion­al Sci­ence and Its Appli­ca­tions (ICCSA). vol. 13 : IEEE, p. 4Andre Valdes­til­has, Ans­gar Scherp, Paulo Mar­cot­ti and So Paulo-Brazil


  • The Dig­i­tal Agen­da Score­board: A Sta­tis­ti­cal Anato­my of Europe’s way into the Infor­ma­tion Age : Uni­ver­si­ty of LeipzigMichael Mar­tin, Bert van Nuffe­len, Ste­fano Abruzzi­ni and S{ö}ren Auer
  • Man­ag­ing the life-cycle of Linked Data with the {LOD2} StackIn: Pro­ceed­ings of Inter­na­tion­al Seman­tic Web Con­fer­ence (ISWC 2012). — 22\% accep­tance rateS{ö}ren Auer, Lorenz B{ü}hmann, Chris­t­ian Dirschl, Orri Erling, Michael Hausen­blas, Robert Ise­le, Jens Lehmann, Michael Mar­tin, Pablo N. Mendes, et al.


  • Weav­ing a {D}istributed, {S}emantic {S}ocial {N}etwork for {M}obile {U}sersIn: Pro­ceed­ings of the ESWC2011Sebas­t­ian Tramp, Philipp Frischmuth, Natanael Arndt, Tim­o­fey Ermilov and S{ö}ren Auer
  • Man­ag­ing Mul­ti­modal and Mul­ti­lin­gual Seman­tic Con­tentIn: Pro­ceed­ings of the 7th Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Web Infor­ma­tion Sys­tems and Tech­nolo­giesMichael Mar­tin, Daniel Ger­ber, Nor­man Heino, S{ö}ren Auer and Tim­o­fey Ermilov
  • Emo­tion-ori­ent­ed com­put­ing: Pos­si­ble uses and resourcesIn: Ubi-Media Com­put­ing (U‑Media), 2011 4th Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on : IEEE, pp. 130–133Andr{é} Valdes­til­has
  • The Open Gov­ern­ment Data Stake­hold­er Sur­veyIn: Pro­ceed­ings of the Open Knowl­edge Con­fer­ence in 2011 : Open Knowl­edge Foun­da­tionMichael Mar­tin, Mar­tin Kaltenb{ö}ck, Hel­mut Nagy and S{ö}ren Auer
  • Emo­tion-ori­ent­ed com­put­ing: Pos­si­ble uses and appli­ca­tionsIn: Jour­nal of Media and Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Stud­ies vol. 3, Aca­d­e­m­ic Jour­nals, Nr. 10, pp. 289–294Andr{é} Valdes­til­has and Paulo Marcotii
  • Facil­i­ta­tion the pub­li­ca­tion of Open Gov­ern­men­tal Data with the LOD2 StackIn: Share PSIS{ö}ren Auer, Michael Mar­tin, Philipp Frischmuth and Bas­ti­aan Deblieck
  • Triple­Place: A flex­i­ble triple store for Android with six indicesIn: S{ö}ren Auer, Thomas Riechert and Johannes Schmidt (eds.): Pro­ceed­ings of the Stu­den­tenkon­ferenz Infor­matik Leipzig 2011, Leipziger Beitr{ä}ge zur Infor­matik. vol. XXVII. Leipzig, Ger­many — ISBN 978–3‑941608–14‑6, pp. 1–7Natanael Arndt


  • Cat­e­gori­sa­tion of Seman­tic Web Appli­ca­tionsIn: pro­ceed­ings of the 4th Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Advances in Seman­tic Pro­cess­ing (SEMAPRO2010) 25 Octo­ber — 30 Octo­ber, Flo­rence, ItalyMichael Mar­tin and S{ö}ren Auer
  • {E}ntwicklung eines mobilen {S}ocial {S}emantic {W}eb {C}lientsIn: Klaus-Peter F{ä}hnrich and Bog­dan Franczyk (eds.): Pro­ceed­ings of the INFORMATIK 2010: Ser­vice Sci­ence — Neue Per­spek­tiv­en f{ü}r die Infor­matik, GI-Edition—Lecture Notes in Infor­mat­ics. vol. P‑176 : Gesellschaft f{ü}r Infor­matik e.V.. — {\copy­right} 2010 Gesellschaft f{ü}r Infor­matik — ISBN 978–3‑88579–270‑3, pp. 1004–1005Natanael Arndt
  • {I}mproving the {P}erformance of {S}emantic {W}eb {A}pplications with {SPARQL} {Q}uery {C}achingIn: Lora Aroyo, Grig­oris Anto­niou, Eero Hyv{ö}nen, Annette ten Tei­je, Hein­er Stuck­en­schmidt, Lil­iana Cabral and Tania Tudo­rache (eds.): Pro­ceed­ings of 7th Extend­ed Seman­tic Web Con­fer­ence (ESWC 2010), 30 May — 3 June 2010, Her­ak­lion, Crete, Greece, Lec­ture Notes in Com­put­er Sci­ence. vol. 6089. Berlin / Hei­del­berg : Springer, pp. 304–318Michael Mar­tin, J{ö}rg Unbe­hauen and S{ö}ren Auer
  • Orts­be­zo­gene Nav­i­ga­tion basierend auf einem Vok­ab­u­lar zur Erzeu­gung geo­graphis­ch­er Hier­ar­chienIn: Ulf Mor­gen­stern and Thomas Riechert (eds.): Cat­a­lo­gus Pro­fes­so­rum Lip­sien­sis — Konzep­tion, tech­nis­che Umset­zung und Anwen­dun­gen f{ü}r Pro­fes­sorenkat­a­loge im Seman­tic Web, Leipziger Beitr{ä}ge zur Infor­matik. vol. 21 : Leipziger Infor­matik-Ver­bund (LIV), pp. 107–116Michael Mar­tin and Thomas Riechert


  • Per­for­manzsteigerung datenbankgest{ü}tzter {RDF}-Triple-StoresIn: Robert Tolks­dorf and Johann-Christoph Frey­tag (eds.): Tagungs­band XIn­no­va­tions 2008 in Berlin, pp. 126–131Michael Mar­tin


  • Explor­ing the Nether­lands on a Seman­tic PathIn: S{ö}ren Auer, Chris­t­ian Biz­er, Clau­dia M{ü}ller and Anna Zhdano­va (eds.): Pro­ceed­ings of the 1st Con­fer­ence on Social Seman­tic Web, {GI-Edi­tion} — Lec­ture Notes in Infor­mat­ics {(LNI),} {ISSN} 1617–5468. vol. P‑113. Leipzig, Ger­many : Bon­ner K{ö}llen Ver­lag — ISBN 978–3‑88579–207‑9, p. 179-Michael Mar­tin


  • Uma abor­dagem sobre a import{â}ncia de con­ceitos de usabil­i­dade para o desen­volve­dor de aplicaç{{\~o}}es para Televis{{\~a}}o inter­a­ti­vaIn: S{{\~a}}o Jos{é} dos Cam­pos– SPAndr{é} Valdes­til­has, Rafael de Alen­car Segu­ra and Felipe Afon­so de Almeida
  • A usabil­i­dade no desen­volvi­men­to de aplicaç{{\~o}}es para TV Inter­a­ti­vaIn: 2005 SIBGRAPI XVIII Brazil­ian Sym­po­sium on Com­put­er Graph­ics and Image Pro­cess­ingAndr{é} Valdes­til­has and Felipe Afon­so de Almeida