Claus Stadler

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter


Insti­tut für Ange­wandte Infor­matik (InfAI) e. V.




  • Base Plat­form for Knowl­edge Graphs with Free Soft­wareIn: Sebas­t­ian Tramp, Ricar­do Usbeck, Natanael Arndt, Julia Holze and Sören Auer (eds.): Pro­ceed­ings of the Inter­na­tion­al Work­shop on Linked Data-dri­ven Resilience Research 2023, {CEUR} Work­shop Pro­ceed­ings. vol. 3401. Her­sonis­sos, GreeceSimon Bin, Claus Stadler, Nor­man Radtke, Kurt Jung­hanns, Sabine Grün­der-Fahrer and Michael Martin
  • {KGCW}2023 Chal­lenge Report {RDF}{P}rocessing{T}oolkit / SansaIn: 4th Inter­na­tion­al Work­shop on Knowl­edge Graph Con­struc­tion @ ESWC 2023, CEUR work­shop pro­ceed­ings. Her­sonis­sos, GreeceSimon Bin, Claus Stadler and Lorenz Bühmann
  • LLM-assist­ed Knowl­edge Graph Engi­neer­ing: Exper­i­ments with Chat­G­PTLars-Peter Mey­er, Claus Stadler, Johannes Frey, Nor­man Radtke, Kurt Jung­hanns, Roy Meiss­ner, Gor­dian Dzi­wis, Kir­ill Bulert, Michael Martin
  • Scal­ing RML and SPAR­QL-based Knowl­edge Graph Con­struc­tion with Apache SparkIn: 4th Inter­na­tion­al Work­shop on Knowl­edge Graph Con­struc­tion @ ESWC 2023, CEUR work­shop pro­ceed­ings. vol. 3471. Her­sonis­sos, GreeceClaus Stadler, Lorenz Büh­mann, Lars-Peter Mey­er and Michael Martin
  • QROWD—A Plat­form for Inte­grat­ing Cit­i­zens in Smart City Data Ana­lyt­icsIn: Pradeep Kumar Singh, Marcin Paprzy­c­ki, Mohamad Essaai­di and Shahram Rahi­mi (eds.): Sus­tain­able Smart Cities: The­o­ret­i­cal Foun­da­tions and Prac­ti­cal Con­sid­er­a­tions. Cham : Springer Inter­na­tion­al Pub­lish­ing — ISBN 978–3‑031–08815‑5, pp. 285–321Luis-Daniel Ib{á}{\~{n}}ez, Eddy Mad­dale­na, Richard Gomer, Ele­na Sim­perl, Mat­tia Zeni, Enri­co Big­not­ti, Ronald Chenu-Abente, Faus­to Giunchiglia, Patrick West­phal, et al.


  • {LSQ} 2.0: A linked dataset of {SPARQL} query logsIn: Philippe Cud­ré-Mau­roux (ed.) Seman­tic Web, IOS Press, pp. 1–23Claus Stadler, Muham­mad Saleem, Qais­er Mehmood, Car­los Buil-Aran­da, Michel Dumon­tier, Aidan Hogan and Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo
  • Seman­tifi­ca­tion of Geospa­tial Infor­ma­tion for Enriched Knowl­edge Rep­re­sen­ta­tion in Con­text of Cri­sis Infor­mat­icsIn: Natanael Arndt, Sabine Grün­der-Fahrer, Julia Holze, Michael Mar­tin and Sebas­t­ian Tramp (eds.): Pro­ceed­ings of the Inter­na­tion­al Work­shop on Data-dri­ven Resilience Research 2022, {CEUR} Work­shop Pro­ceed­ings. vol. 3376. Leipzig, Ger­manyClaus Stadler, Simon Bin, Lorenz Büh­mann, Nor­man Radtke, Kurt Jung­hanns, Sabine Grün­der-Fahrer and Michael Martin
  • {LSQ} Frame­work: The {LSQ} Frame­work for {SPARQL} Query Log Pro­cess­ingIn: 6th Work­shop on Stor­ing, Query­ing and Bench­mark­ing Knowl­edge Graphs @ ISWC 2022, {CEUR} Work­shop Pro­ceed­ings. vol. 3279Claus Stadler, Muham­mad Saleem and Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo


  • Towards the next gen­er­a­tion of the Linked­Ge­o­Da­ta project using vir­tu­al knowl­edge graphsIn: Jour­nal of Web Seman­tics vol. 71, p. 100662Lin­fang Ding, Guo­hui Xiao, Albulen Pano, Claus Stadler and Diego Calvanese
  • {DistRDF2ML} — Scal­able Dis­trib­uted In-Mem­o­ry Machine Learn­ing Pipelines for {RDF} Knowl­edge GraphsIn: Pro­ceed­ings of the 30th ACM Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Infor­ma­tion \& Knowl­edge Man­age­ment, CIKM ’21. Vir­tu­al Event, Queens­land, Aus­tralia : Asso­ci­a­tion for Com­put­ing Machin­ery — ISBN 9781450384469, pp. 4465–4474Carsten Felix Draschn­er, Claus Stadler, Far­shad Bakhshan­de­gan Moghad­dam, Jens Lehmann and Haji­ra Jabeen
  • Open Data and the Sta­tus Quo — A Fine-Grained Eval­u­a­tion Frame­work for Open Data Qual­i­ty and an Analy­sis of Open Data por­tals in Ger­manyIn: Lisa Wenige, Claus Stadler, Michael Mar­tin, Richard Figu­ra, Robert Sauter and Christo­pher W. Frank


  • MINDS: A Trans­la­tor to Embed Math­e­mat­i­cal Expres­sions Inside SPARQL QueriesIn: Eva Blomqvist, Paul Groth, Vic­tor de Boer, Tas­si­lo Pel­le­gri­ni, Mehwish Alam, Tobias K{ä}fer, Peter Kiese­berg, Sab­ri­na Kir­rane, Albert Mero{\~{n}}o‑Pe{\~{n}}uela, et al. (eds.): Seman­tic Sys­tems. In the Era of Knowl­edge Graphs. Cham : Springer Inter­na­tion­al Pub­lish­ing — ISBN 978–3‑030–59833‑4, pp. 104–117Damien Graux, Gez­im Sejdiu, Claus Stadler, Giulio Napoli­tano and Jens Lehmann
  • Auto­mat­ic Sub­ject Index­ing with Knowl­edge GraphsIn: LASCAR Work­shop at the Extend­ed Seman­tic Web Con­fer­ence (ESWC)Lisa Wenige, Claus Stadler, Simon Bin, Lorenz Büh­mann, Kurt Jung­hanns and Michael Martin
  • Schema-agnos­tic SPAR­QL-dri­ven faceted search bench­mark gen­er­a­tionIn: Jour­nal of Web Seman­tics, p. 100614Claus Stadler, Simon Bin, Lisa Wenige, Lorenz Büh­mann and Jens Lehmann


  • RDF-based Deploy­ment Pipelin­ing for Effi­cient Dataset Release Man­age­mentIn: Pro­ceed­ings of the Posters and Demos Track of the 14th Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Seman­tic Sys­tems co-locat­ed with the 14th Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Seman­tic Sys­tems (SEMANTICS’19). Karl­sruhe, Ger­manyClaus Stadler, Lisa Wenige, Sebas­t­ian Tramp, Kurt Jung­hanns and Michael Martin


  • {SQCFrame­work}: Gen­er­at­ing SPARQL Query Con­tain­ment Bench­marks using the SQCFrame­workIn: Demo at ISWCMuham­mad Saleem, Claus Stadler, Qais­er Mehmood, Jens Lehmann and Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo


  • The Tale of Sansa SparkIn: Pro­ceed­ings of 16th Inter­na­tion­al Seman­tic Web Con­fer­ence, Poster \& DemosIvan Ermilov, Jens Lehmann, Gez­im Sejdiu, Lorenz Büh­mann, Patrick West­phal, Claus Stadler, Simon Bin, Nilesh Chakraborty, Hen­ning Pet­z­ka, et al.
  • Dis­trib­uted Seman­tic Ana­lyt­ics using the SANSA StackIn: Pro­ceed­ings of 16th Inter­na­tion­al Seman­tic Web Con­fer­ence — Resources Track (ISWC’2017) : Springer, pp. 147–155Jens Lehmann, Gez­im Sejdiu, Lorenz Büh­mann, Patrick West­phal, Claus Stadler, Ivan Ermilov, Simon Bin, Nilesh Chakraborty, Muham­mad Saleem, et al.
  • Bench­mark­ing Faceted Brows­ing Capa­bil­i­ties of Triple­storesIn: 13th Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Seman­tic Sys­tems (SEMAN­TiCS 2017), Sep­tem­ber 11–14 2017, Ams­ter­dam, Nether­landsHen­ning Pet­z­ka, Claus Stadler, Geor­gios Kat­sim­pras, Bas­t­ian Haar­mann and Jens Lehmann
  • {SQCFrame­work}: {SPARQL} Query Con­tain­ment Bench­mark Gen­er­a­tion Frame­workIn: K‑CAP 2017: Knowl­edge Cap­ture Con­fer­ence : ACMMuham­mad Saleem, Claus Stadler, Qais­er Mehmood, Jens Lehmann and Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo
  • JPA Cri­te­ria Queries over RDF DataIn: Work­shop on Query­ing the Web of Data co-locat­ed with the Extend­ed Seman­tic Web Con­fer­enceClaus Stadler and Jens Lehmann


  • Towards Sus­tain­able view-based Extract-Trans­form-Load (ETL) Fusion of Open DataIn: Pro­ceed­ings of the Work­shop on 3rd Work­shop on Linked Data Qual­i­ty co-locat­ed with the Euro­pean Seman­tic Web Con­fer­ence 2016 (ESWC 2016)kmueller stadler singh hellmann


  • Sim­pli­fied {RDB2RDF} Map­pingIn: Pro­ceed­ings of the 8th Work­shop on Linked Data on the Web (LDOW2015), Flo­rence, ItalyClaus Stadler, Joerg Unbe­hauen, Patrick West­phal, Mohamed Ahmed Sherif and Jens Lehmann
  • The Geo­Know Gen­er­a­tor Work­bench: An Inte­gra­tion Plat­form for Geospa­tial DataIn: Pro­ceed­ings of the 3rd Inter­na­tion­al Work­shop on Seman­tic Web Enter­prise Adop­tion and Best Prac­ticeAle­jan­dra Gar­cia-Rojas, Daniel Hlad­ky, Matthias Wauer, Robert Ise­le, Claus Stadler and Jens Lehmann
  • Cube­Viz — Explo­ration and Visu­al­iza­tion of Sta­tis­ti­cal Linked DataIn: Pro­ceed­ings of the 24th Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on World Wide Web, WWW 2015Michael Mar­tin, Kon­rad Abicht, Claus Stadler, S{ö}ren Auer, Axel‑C. Ngonga Ngo­mo and Tom­ma­so Soru
  • RDF Edit­ing on the WebIn: SEMANTICS 2015, SEM ’15. Vien­na, Aus­tria : ACMClaus Stadler, Natanael Arndt, Michael Mar­tin and Jens Lehmann


  • DBpe­dia View­er — An Inte­gra­tive Inter­face for DBpe­dia lever­ag­ing the DBpe­dia Ser­vice Eco Sys­temIn: Proc. of the Linked Data on the Web 2014 Work­shopDenis Lukovnikov, Claus Stadler, Dim­itris Kon­tokostas, Sebas­t­ian Hell­mann and Jens Lehmann
  • LD view­er-linked data pre­sen­ta­tion frame­workIn: Pro­ceed­ings of the 10th Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Seman­tic Sys­tems : ACM, pp. 124–131Denis Lukovnikov, Claus Stadler and Jens Lehmann
  • {Explor­ing the Web of Spa­tial Data with Facete}In: Com­pan­ion pro­ceed­ings of 23rd Inter­na­tion­al World Wide Web Con­fer­ence (WWW), pp. 175–178Claus Stadler, Michael Mar­tin and S{ö}ren Auer
  • Jas­sa — {A} JavaScript suite for SPAR­QL-based faceted searchIn: Pro­ceed­ings of the {ISWC} Devel­op­ers Work­shop 2014, co-locat­ed with the 13th Inter­na­tion­al Seman­tic Web Con­fer­ence {(ISWC} 2014), Riva del Gar­da, Italy, Octo­ber 19, 2014., pp. 31–36Claus Stadler, Patrick West­phal and Jens Lehmann
  • The Geo­Know Gen­er­a­tor: Man­ag­ing Geospa­tial Data in the Linked Data WebIn: Pro­ceed­ings of the Link­ing Geospa­tial Data Work­shopJon Jay Le Grange, Jens Lehmann, Spiros Athana­siou, Ale­jan­dra Gar­cia Rojas, Gior­gos Giannopou­los, Daniel Hlad­ky, Robert Ise­le, Axel-Cyrille {Ngonga Ngo­mo}, Mohamed Ahmed Sherif, et al.
  • Qual­i­ty Assur­ance of RDB2RDF Map­pingsPatrick West­phal, Claus Stadler and Jens Lehmann
  • Facil­i­tat­ing the Explo­ration and Visu­al­iza­tion of Linked DataIn: S{ö}ren Auer, Vol­ha Bryl and Sebas­t­ian Tramp (eds.): Linked Open Data—Creating Knowl­edge Out of Inter­linked Data, Lec­ture Notes in Com­put­er Sci­ence : Springer Inter­na­tion­al Pub­lish­ing — ISBN 978–3‑319–09845‑6, pp. 90–107Chris­t­ian Mad­er, Michael Mar­tin and Claus Stadler


  • Gen­er­at­ing SPARQL queries using tem­platesIn: WIAS journal,Vol. 11, No. 3, 2013.Saeedeh Shekar­pour, S{ö}ren Auer, Axel-Cyrille {Ngonga Ngo­mo}, Daniel Ger­ber, Sebas­t­ian Hell­mann and Claus Stadler
  • CSV2RDF: User-Dri­ven CSV to RDF Mass Con­ver­sion Frame­workIn: Pro­ceed­ings of the ISEM ’13, Sep­tem­ber 04 — 06 2013, Graz, Aus­triaIvan Ermilov, S{ö}ren Auer and Claus Stadler
  • Extrak­tion, Map­ping und Ver­linkung von Dat­en im WebIn: Daten­bank Spek­trum vol. 13, Nr. 2, pp. 77–87S{ö}ren Auer, Jens Lehmann, Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngo­mo, Claus Stadler and J{ö}rg Unbehauen
  • Increas­ing the Finan­cial Trans­paren­cy of Euro­pean Com­mis­sion Project Fund­ingIn: Seman­tic Web Jour­nal vol. Spe­cial Call for Linked Dataset descrip­tions, Nr. 2, pp. 157–164Michael Mar­tin, Claus Stadler, Philipp Frischmuth and Jens Lehmann


  • Nav­i­ga­tion-induced Knowl­edge Engi­neer­ing by Exam­pleIn: JISTSebas­t­ian Hell­mann, Jens Lehmann, J{ö}rg Unbe­hauen, Claus Stadler, Thanh Nghia Lam and Markus Strohmaier
  • Access­ing Rela­tion­al Data on the Web with Spar­qlMapIn: JISTJ{ö}rg Unbe­hauen, Claus Stadler and S{ö}ren Auer
  • Linked­Ge­o­Da­ta: A Core for a Web of Spa­tial Open DataIn: Seman­tic Web Jour­nal vol. 3, Nr. 4, pp. 333–354Claus Stadler, Jens Lehmann, Kon­rad H{ö}ffner and S{ö}ren Auer
  • The Ger­man {DBpe­dia}: A Sense Repos­i­to­ry for Link­ing Enti­tiesIn: Sebas­t­ian Hell­mann, Claus Stadler and Jens Lehmann
  • {DB}pedia and the {L}ive {E}xtraction of {S}tructured {D}ata from {W}ikipediaIn: Pro­gram: elec­tron­ic library and infor­ma­tion sys­tems vol. 46, p. 27Mohamed Morsey, Jens Lehmann, S{ö}ren Auer, Claus Stadler and Sebas­t­ian Hellmann
  • Assess­ing Linked Data Map­pings Using Net­work Mea­suresIn: Pro­ceed­ings of the 9th Extend­ed Seman­tic Web Con­fer­ence, Lec­ture Notes in Com­put­er Sci­ence. vol. 7295 : Springer, pp. 87–102Christophe Gu{é}ret, Paul T. Groth, Claus Stadler and Jens Lehmann
  • {T}owards an {O}pen-{G}overnmental {D}ata {W}ebIn: Pro­ceed­ings of the KESW2012Ivan Ermilov, Claus Stadler, Michael Mar­tin and S{ö}ren Auer
  • Man­ag­ing the life-cycle of Linked Data with the {LOD2} StackIn: Pro­ceed­ings of Inter­na­tion­al Seman­tic Web Con­fer­ence (ISWC 2012). — 22\% accep­tance rateS{ö}ren Auer, Lorenz B{ü}hmann, Chris­t­ian Dirschl, Orri Erling, Michael Hausen­blas, Robert Ise­le, Jens Lehmann, Michael Mar­tin, Pablo N. Mendes, et al.
  • Knowl­edge Extrac­tion from Struc­tured SourcesIn: Ste­fano Ceri and Mar­co Bram­bil­la (eds.): Search Com­put­ing — Broad­en­ing Web Search, Lec­ture Notes in Com­put­er Sci­ence. vol. 7538 : Springer, pp. 34–52J{ö}rg Unbe­hauen, Sebas­t­ian Hell­mann, S{ö}ren Auer and Claus Stadler


  • Key­word-dri­ven SPARQL Query Gen­er­a­tion Lever­ag­ing Back­ground Knowl­edgeIn: Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Web Intel­li­genceSaeedeh Shekar­pour, S{ö}ren Auer, Axel-Cyrille {Ngonga Ngo­mo}, Daniel Ger­ber, Sebas­t­ian Hell­mann and Claus Stadler
  • Linked Data Qual­i­ty Assess­ment through Net­work Analy­sisIn: ISWC 2011 Posters and DemosChristophe Gu{é}ret, Paul Groth, Claus Stadler and Jens Lehmann


  • {U}pdate {S}trategies for {DB}pedia {L}iveIn: 6th Work­shop on Script­ing and Devel­op­ment for the Seman­tic Web Colo­cat­ed with ESWC 2010 30th or 31st May, 2010 Crete, GreeceClaus Stadler, Michael Mar­tin, Jens Lehmann and Sebas­t­ian Hellmann


  • {DBpe­dia} Live Extrac­tionIn: Proc. of 8th Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Ontolo­gies, Data­Bas­es, and Appli­ca­tions of Seman­tics (ODBASE), Lec­ture Notes in Com­put­er Sci­ence. vol. 5871, pp. 1209–1223Sebas­t­ian Hell­mann, Claus Stadler, Jens Lehmann and S{ö}ren Auer